Emotional Release Response ™ Tuning Fork Therapy
COST: £699
DURATION: 10 virtual classes
This course includes a set of 13 tuning forks (9 solfeggio forks and 4 ERR forks), manuals for each unit and 10 virtual weekly classes.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), emotions and physical health are intimately connected. This integrated mind-body approach to health and healing operates in a dynamic loop where emotions impact the health of the body and vice versa.
For example, according to TCM theory, excessive irritability and anger can affect the liver and result in multiple ailments, including menstrual pain, headache, redness of the face and eyes, dizziness, and dry mouth. Alternatively, imbalance in the liver can result in stormy moods.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, emotions are narrowed down to five basic feelings that are each associated with a corresponding element and organ in the body:
* Anger with the liver
* Fear with the kidney
* Joy with the heart
* Sadness and grief with the lung
* Worry with the spleen
When we look at each one of these emotions, they become much more complicated.
Fear, for example can come from Anger, Hate, Guilt, Resentment, Rejection & Abandonment, Need for Approval, Overwhelmed Burden and even Love.
Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency and you can change the vibrational frequency as is proved by quantum mechanics.
To change your thinking, you must adopt the belief that your perception of the world is what determines your reality. When you discover how to effectively choose your perceptions, you change your ability to cultivate happiness. Because you have far more control over your internal world than your external world, this is the best place to decrease stress and raise your happiness.
I have carried out extensive research over the years, using tuning forks and the physics of sympathetic resonance and entrainment.
I have found there are 2 levels of internal control to be aware of when controlling your thought processes.
1. Your Perception
3. Your Response
Perception: How you perceive an event impacts the amount of stress you experience. You can choose to view a situation in such a way that validates your reasons for feeling stressed, or you can view it so that you feel motivated and up for the challenge to deal with it. Because every action is preceded by a thought and an emotion, it’s a good idea to start with your perception if you plan to rewire your experience of stress.
Response: You may not be able to control what happens, but you can control how you respond to what happens. Your response includes not only your actions but also the degree of tension you allow in your mind and body.
Decreasing mind-body tension requires working with mind-body practices and I have developed a specific set of protocols using tuning forks to entrain and resonate and ultimately help to decrease the tension that then enables you to control your response.
The Emotional Response and Release ™ (ERR) protocol uses 13 tuning forks in various places on the body and incorporates a variety of applications.
Through a complex consultation process using advanced listening skills, we consider over 700 feelings and translate this into the tuning fork protocols. The client and therapist work together to reprogram thought processes through quantum mechanics and the science of sound.
The therapist then learns how to monitor results, review and adjust the therapy protocols and reflect on the ERR and thus delivering highly effective therapeutic programmes.