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The Team
Who We Are

Vanessa Myatt
Founder & Managing Director
Vanessa Myatt knows only too well how complementary medicine can improve your health and lifestyle. Vanessa started her career as an accountant and ran her own practice for 14 years. She had an interest in holistic health from the age of 11 and alongside her professional career began to study alternative therapy courses. By the age of 37 she was qualified in over 30 holistic therapies. In 2010 she was struck down with a chronic health condition which left her unable to function and was forced to sell her business. After spending 2 years completely debilitated with a young family, she turned to holistic medicine and began the journey to recovery. She was told that her condition would only worsen and she faced a lifetime of pain and suffering. "I was determined to get back to full health. I have 3 children who were watching their mother waste away. I started with my diet. This gave me the boost I needed to take back control of my health. Once I started, there was no stopping me. I took each day as it came and put into practice, what I had learned as well as conducting my own research". With a renewed passion for helping others, she completed her teaching qualifications and a degree in nutrition. It is her mission to now offer high quality professional accredited courses in health and wellbeing, ensuring that students are able to offer their clients the benefits associated with improved diet, lifestyle and complimentary medicine to improve the symptoms of chronic illness and to help to prevent many of the modern lifestyle conditions. Vanessa is a fully qualified teacher, complimentary medicine practitioner and business management professional. All of the courses we offer incorporate anatomy & physiology, health & disease, listening skills and business management. "I want the world to know that taking control of your health is life changing and alongside conventional medicine can improve your life, health and that of your friends, family and clients." Vanessa is committed to improving the standards of holistic health care and giving our students a unique, quality training experience which puts them ahead in their profession. "Our students are amazing. They have a drive and passion that the industry needs. They conduct their own research, case studies and delve into the nitty gritty of each therapy. They leave us fully understanding the wider picture and embrace holistic health care. They walk the walk and are a credit to our training centre. Most of our students return to study further courses with us. There is no better testimonial to the quality of our courses than the success and quality of our students. What we have done here is create more than a school, more than a college. We have created a community of like minded individuals all with an ethos of spreading the benefits of complementary medicine, natural lifestyles and low impact living."
You can view Vanessa's blog HERE
Kyle Palmer
Managing Director
Kyle's background is in the Hair & Beauty industry and joined the team at The Training Centre of Wellbeing Ltd in 2020 bringing many innovative ideas for online platforms and tutors our business and management courses.

Nikola Cockcroft-Sayles
Nikola is back with us after maternity leave and is now head of student services. Nikola is a qualified teacher, holistic therapist and multi skilled in many areas, and a valued member of our team!