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10 minute breath exercise

The 4-4 breath exercise takes 10 minutes and is ideal for those moments when all else feels out of control.

1. Sit or lie down comfortably and spend a few moments to settle.

2. Place your hands on the bottom of your ribcage - you should be able to feel the base of your ribs under your palms. Just breathe in and out normally and observe your breath.

3. After a minute or two start to even out the breaths by counting in your head “in-two-three-four, out-two-three-four”. Count evenly and reasonably slowly.

4. Try to keep your in-breaths even and steady, so that each beat of the inhale is exactly like the other three beats - not one big whoosh at the start.

5. You should be able to feel your ribs moving under your hands.

6. Check that your shoulders are rising and falling evenly.

Whilst performing this exercise for 10 minutes, focus on filling your lungs with air and notice how your body feels.

How do you feel after spending 10 minutes with your breath?

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