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This is a lovely gentle attunement that will teach you how to make powerful flower remedies in seconds.

Through attunement you gain access to a specific flower’s energy and can channel it by intention. These are the same flowers that are used in the Bach Flower Essences.

Ethereal Flowers I
You are attuned to the following flowers:
Agrimony – Mental torture behind a cheerful face.
Aspen – Fear of unknown things.
Beech – Intolerance.
Centaury – Have difficulty in saying no and are anxious to please.
Cerato – Doubt your own ability to judge situations.
Cherry Plum – Fear of losing control of the mind.
Chestnut Bud – Refuses to learn by experience.
Chicory – Are overly possessive. The care for others is self-centered and manipulative.
Clematis – Dreamy, absent-minded, lack of interest in present.
Crab Apple – The cleansing remedy, have a poor self-image.
Elm – Overwhelmed by responsibility.
Gentian – Easily discouraged.
Gorse – Hopelessness and despair, pessimistic.
Heather – Obsessed with own troubles and experiences, dislike being alone.
Holly – Hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion.
Honeysuckle – Living in the past, nostalgic, feeling homesick.
Hornbeam – ‘Monday morning’ feeling, tiredness at the thought of doing something, procrastination.
Impatiens – Impatience, easily irritated.
Larch – Lack of self-confidence.

Learn how to:
Make a remedy
Prepare a remedy for another person
Pass on Ethereal Flowers


Ethereal Flowers II
In this attunement you are attuned to the following flowers:
Mimulus Fear of known things.
Mustard Deep gloom for no reason.
Oak Are driven by a strong sense of duty and struggle on although exhausted.
Olive Fatigued, feel exhausted.
Pine Guilt Blame yourself for other people’s mistakes.
Red Chestnut Over-concerned for others.
Rock Rose Scared, terror, fright.
Rock Water Are inflexible, self-denial, rigidity and self-repression.
Scleranthus Suffer from indecision.
Star Of Bethlehem Grief or shock.
Sweet Chestnut Extreme mental anguish.
Vervain Over-enthusiasm.
Vine Dominance and inflexibility.
Walnut Protection from change and unwanted influences, assists in adjustment to transition or change.
Water Violet Pride and aloofness.
White Chestnut Persistent unwanted thoughts.
Wild Oat Uncertainty over one’s direction in life.
Wild Rose Drifting, resignation, apathy.
Willow Self-pity and resentment.



– Distance Attunement via the Chi Ball Method

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy on to others!!


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Receive a pdf manual with instructions on how to receive the attunement, how to use it and how to pass this attunement on to others.


Ethreal Flower Energy Attunement


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